Sunday 15 February 2015

Valentines Day 2015

While the world celebrated Valentines day I lay in bed flicking through loving messages, dedications and photos on my phone, and although I don't have someone special in my life right now I am in no hurry.. I trust that God has bigger plans for mine and my childrens lives than I do for us. Yesterday was a day to celebrate love and that is something I am not short of. I have amazing friends and very affectionate children. I have a father who is always there for me and I have two beautiful cats so I am never alone. Love is everywhere in my life now that I have began to focus on myself and my children. The people I once invested my time into now show no interest in us which makes room for the friendships that have remained to grow and thrive. I have an amazing support network, neighbors who look out for me and locals who are always keen to stay up to date with whats happening with us all. My live really is the best it's ever been and I am in awe of it.

I hope you all had a fantastic Valentines day and were not short of love yesterday..

Direct me to your V day celebrations!

(leave your links below)

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