Sunday 24 November 2013

Sew Good!

Last night I had no kids.. NO KIDS!! For a whole night.. As you can probably tell that doesn't happen very often! Nevaeh went to her Dads for the weekend and Jiedyn has gone on an over night fishing trip with his Pop. Last night was meant to be my le rĂ©ve girls PJ night but everyone had plans and pulled out resulting in me having to change it until this afternoon. With a whole afternoon and night to myself I started thinking of 101 things I could do. I could have gone to the movies, to get my nails done or out for tea then to the pokies. I could have gone dancing! Instead I decided to pull out my sewing machine. I bet most of you didn't even know I had one.. I don't do a lot of sewing because I usually can't concentrate enough when the kids are home but that wasn't an issue yesterday. My plan was to create a library bag for Nevaeh for Christmas using shirts I used to wear. I picked two of the ones she always used to comment on when I'd wear them and started cutting. Halfway through the bag I began feeling hungry. I was just about to put the pins away and turn off the sewing machine before I realized I  could make as much mess as I liked, get up, and walk away, and the mess would still be there! I did.. It was amazing! I decided to order in and watch a movie just after 6pm. I went back to my project at around 10pm. I added the shoulder straps and buttons and it was complete! I did it! I made a bag.. Not perfect.. But a fully functioning, double layered, pink and poker dot, fully adjustable, library bag!

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