Monday 12 November 2012

She makes my heart sing..

Today was like no other I have spent with my sweet little girl.
Nevaeh wanted to talk about Jesus - All day.

It started with her seeing my bible and her wanting me to read it.
So I did..

Then she didn't want to watch a movie (odd for her) instead wanting to worship
So we did..

Tonight she said a prayer that left me speechless :
Dear God, Thank you for dinner and please help me to be a good girl because I don't want to be naughty or nasty anymore. -Amen
She is an amazing little girl with God in her heart today.

She is always changing especially now that everything around her has changed.

But this change in her is by far the best!

1 replied:

Unknown said...

Awww I love it!! God must have bigs plans for that little girl =]

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