Friday 15 April 2011

Why i stay at home..

• No one to answer to
• I can control my kids [well most of the time]
• I can relax
• I don't have people bitching about me

I went to do my weekly shop, ran into a few friends, and a few not-so-friends. I even tried to break up a fight/try to calm down one of the girls, which caused the cleaner lady of the shopping complex to lable me as a bad mother " Move on Melissa, those kids shouldn't be seeing this" I felt like saying "its better than standing here watching pretty much waiting for the worst to happen" and my old self would of, But I just walked on.. everywhere I go I always have people judging the way I parent.. I figure it isn't going to stop so I may as well just keep myself and my kids happy and let them bicker.. it still hurts because they have had their families to teach them right from wrong.. I had to figure things out for myself and it frusterates me!! If only they knew..

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